A Four-Part Webinar Series Brought to You by Linda Frazee and the Authentic Wisdom Community
Uncharted Territory: Maintaining Emotional Sanity During a Global Pandemic & a Contentious National Election
Held Four Mondays Starting October 26, 2020 at 9:00am Pacific Time
Get Access to All Four Sessions for $47Have You Absolutely Had It With the Effects of the Pandemic and the Drama of American Politics Lately?
You are not alone. This year has forced you to confront situations you've never dreamed of. You're exhausted. You're frustrated. You're disappointed. And, you might even be a little scared. No matter which side of the aisle you lean, the emotional toll of 2020 has you tapped out; tired of all the blaming; tired of all the negativity; tired of all the disconnection and confusion. In this four-part webinar series, Linda Frazee, founder of the Authentic Wisdom Community, is going to offer specific strategies for staying grounded, creating inner calm, and finding a path to acceptance, regardless of the outcomes that surround you.
Session One (Held 10/26/20): Where Is YOUR Exhaustion Hiding?
Sometimes exhaustion doesn't feel the way we think it does. Considering what we're going through in 2020, exahustion may be lurking behind other feelings like:
- Anger & irritation
- Insomnia
- Over-indulgance (Food, liquor, drugs)
- Emotional Withdrawal

Session Two (Held 11/2/20): The Election Countdown
This session is held the day before the election for a reason. Tensions are high and collectively, there is much fear of the unknown. Linda will provide specific strategies for holding healthy boundaries with friends and family members that believe differently, as well as ways to maintain emotional balance as results are tallied.

Session Three (Held 11/9/20): Working with Acceptance
One thing 2020 has done is enhanced your ability to "accept the things you cannot change." We've been forced to adjust our life in unprecendented ways. And to accept, does not necessarily mean to enjoy. The sacrifices, both internal and external have been great. And, there is likely more accepting, to be done. This session will delve into proven strategies that help you continue on, empowered, and in acceptance.

Session Four (Held 11/16/20): Moving Forward with Inner Calm...No Matter What
As we master acceptance, we can more easily keep ourselves grounded and well-anchored throughout any storm, no matter how chaotic it may become. Session Four provides the strategies and perspective to keep you moving forward, calm, cool, and connected.

Get All Four Live Sessions (with the replays) For $47
Linda will lead the live sessions on Mondays starting October 26 at 9:00am Pacific time. You are free to join her there, or you can catch the replay video anytime that is convenient for you.
Reserve Your Spot