Starting Out Strong!

Jan 12, 2022

Is just changing the calendar enough to Start Out Strong this year!

In order to really leave 2021 behind, there is more involved than just changing the page of the calendar! Learn how to really leave, not only the events, but your negative thoughts and feelings behind.

Linda Frazee, Intuitive Coach for what comes next!

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Hello. My name is Linda Frazee. For the last 40 years, I've been helping individuals 'get out of their' way so they can live a more satisfying, productive, and meaningful life. And so today, as we enter 2022, I'd like to talk to you about what it takes to start out strong in this new year.

I don't know about you, but last year was a difficult year for me as it was for many. And so as we step into the new year, it would be nice if just because this is a new day and a new year that we could just change the calendar. Wouldn't that be great, but it's not that easy. So I've got six steps that I suggest to you that you can begin to do...

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Will the Real YOU, Please Stand Up?

Mar 13, 2021

Will the real you, please stand up.

Now, something about that title must've caught your ear or your eyes, or you wouldn't be looking at this or reading it. Today I want to talk to you a little bit about how real are you and how real are we being now in this odd time in history?

My name is Linda Frazee and I have been teaching this kind of session for the last 40 years. This occurred to me today because we're just coming out of a pandemic, hopefully out of it!. It's been an economically difficult time. And many of you, most of you, are at home and just maybe even isolated for the longest - time for almost a year.

So that begs the important question. Who are you being during that time? What have you discovered about yourself? Has it been difficult?

Have you discovered you liked it? Have you discovered that there are parts of you that really hadn't gotten expressed in the fast paced world that maybe you were living in before? Maybe you've even reexamined some of your friendships and...

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Nurture or Nature, THAT is the Question!

Feb 09, 2021

What motivates our behavior? Why do we do what we do?

It's always interesting to figure that out for ourselves. And often, even though when we think we know ourselves really well, we might've found ourselves thinking, 'why did I do that?'.

I know I sometimes do that. And even more often, looking at other people and thinking, 'why do they do that?'. The Enneagram is one of the best ways of understanding that.

My name is Linda Frazee. I have been working with individuals, companies and all kinds of organizations as a professional speaker, as a consultant and as a coach for 35 years.

One of the best tools I've ever found to work with people is called the Enneagram. That's a personality system that describes nine different 'types' of personalities, nine different styles of approaching life.

Furthermore, you have four other points that are 'resource points' that you bring in as you get to know yourself. It sometimes can seem complicated. It is not a simple tool. And, I and I don't...

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Change It UP!

Dec 04, 2020

This is Linda Frazee with Authentic Wisdom.

I want to talk to you today about changing things up this holiday season, and I'm illustrating that by the background behind me, because it's different than my normal background.

So this year we are forced to change it up. We can't do a lot of the things that we normally do to celebrate, to have parties, and do all of that. Or, there's a risk that we take if we do it.

So some of you may be feeling discouraged and sad about that. After all, we've been sequestered with this COVID-19 for a long time. I want to really encourage you to think about some positive ways to change it up for yourself, to find the deeper meaning of the holidays for you. The things that really went well, the food that tasted so good, the special things that you let yourself have.

I want to tell you about an experience I had about 41 years ago in Denver, Colorado. I created a program called "Positive Christmas" and I did it on television and radio, and also through...

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Dissolving the Expectation/Disappoint Syndrome

Oct 23, 2020

This is Linda Frazee here to talk to you today about the Expectation/Disappointment Syndrome.

We have all been there. Imagining and expecting that something will be great and then, for a variety of reasons, it isn't. The fall from a high expectation to deep disappointment hurts! The higher the expectation, the more pain.

It happened to me just the other day. This last week was my birthday and I woke up feeling great. I took the day off, so I had all this free time. My husband and I decided we'd go out to breakfast. So we went out to get in the car to go to breakfast and guess what? The car didn't start.

Turns out the battery was dead. We only have one car, so we didn't have an immediate second option. After considering other options like Uber, calling a friend, or borrowing someone else's car, we decided to call AAA to get the car fixed. It was a fairly quick process but the time it took for the repair, it took up the time we could have been out to breakfast.

This is a minor...

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I'll Be Happy When ....

Sep 10, 2020

For the last 40 years I have been working with people to achieve their goals and enjoy their life’s journey. That sounds easy, but for most people it is not! One of the reasons it is so difficult is that most people are not in the present moment. They are either thinking about the past or worrying about the future.

Over and over, I have heard the phrase from countless people, “I’ll be happy when.... Just fill in the blank: when I grow up, when I get married, when I get divorced, when I graduate, when I get a new job, house, dog, or a new relationship!” 

It isn’t that there is anything wrong with realizing you need to move forward with new goals. The problem is that phrase of “I’ll be happy when,” repeated over and over it is like a negative affirmation. It robs you of the present moment and keeps you ungrounded as your focus is on the future! Physically, it would present like you were leaning forward, your whole body would be out...

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What To Do When You Get Angry

Jul 24, 2020


Hi, this Linda Frazee at Authentic Wisdom.

For the last 40 years I have been working with people to successfully manage their emotions. That is a key concept of effective living in work and relationships. Today I want to talk to you about what to do when you get angry.

Everyone gets angry sometimes. Some people get angry often. So what is the best thing to do when you get angry?

Let’s start at the beginning. If your family of origin was healthy, anger was treated as one of many natural emotions that everyone has. As a child you would have been encouraged to express your anger in a non-disruptive way, release it and move on. If your family of origin was dysfunctional, your parents got mad at you for being angry, you might have been punished or just knew not to express your anger and even let anyone know you felt irritated. In that case, you learned to swallow your anger or displace those feelings on something or someone else.

How your parents handled their anger is...

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Recognizing Guideposts on Your Lifeā€™s Journey

Jun 27, 2020

How often have you wished you had paid more attention to the guideposts, or even red flags, along the way on your journey of life?

As human beings, we have a habit of noticing what we want, and ignoring or denying what we don’t want to address or deal with. Some people are more focused on only positive outcomes while others only notice the worst case scenarios!

My name is Linda Frazee and I have been coaching people for the last 40 years. That was my career before anyone called it "coaching!" In that capacity, I wish I had a dollar for every time someone said to me, 'I knew something wasn’t right and I did it anyway!' Or, 'I knew that idea was worth a million dollars and I wish I had pursued it!' Guideposts can be only milliseconds long of 'knowing' that pass quickly if we don’t pay attention.

Guideposts can be feelings, vague ideas that won’t go away, reappearing messages from divergent sources, or something you overhear that rings a bell in your head. It...

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Getting Out of Your Own Way

Jun 12, 2020

When you are wanting to do something new and different or reach for a new career, it may seem like there are countless insurmountable roadblocks. There may be something you have to do that is challenging or uncomfortable. You may even have to learn something new. But, underneath all of the things in the material world that are important, the biggest hurdle resides inside. That is...getting out of our own way!

My name is Linda Frazee and for the last 40 years I have been working with individuals to help them get out of their own way to achieve success and satisfaction.

How do we get in our own way? The first way is often subconscious. It is living out negative beliefs we picked up in childhood. Some of the most limiting beliefs we hold were never spoken out loud. They were demonstrated by our caretakers and extended family, teachers or religious leaders. When we are young, what others believe can be internalized as our truth. We don’t have the capacity to sort out what is true,...

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Listening To Your Body

Jun 06, 2020

Hello Linda Frazee, here with 40 year of experience of teaching and coaching individuals to manage stress and change in order to achieve success and satisfaction.

I want to talk to you today about the language of your body. Not your body language! That’s a different topic! Today is about the messages your body sends to you and the question of how well you are listening and responding.

Now more than ever it is vitally important to listen to the language of your body. Did you know our bodies have a unique language all our own? Have you experienced your body communicating with you? Of course you have! Simple messages like when you are hungry or have to go to the bathroom or are feeling sick are very clear communications from your body that you receive every day. Some of us tend to ignore even those simple messages from your body. But, there are more urgent messages that we ignore.

Just a few years ago I ignored some very serious messages my body was sending me. After about ten...

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